The Cost Of Ignorance

The last few days have been very nerve wrecking for me.

Last week, the world woke up to the news of a famous Indian actress dying of cardiac arrest. People were mourning her loss on the social media. This gave rise to a new debate: why are Muslims sharing sad notes on this actress’s demise and ignoring the fact that the same week, Syria saw some of the worst airstrikes. People argued amongst themselves over which side deserved our sympathy and which side did not.


It is very wearisome to see this ever increasing divide between our people and their school of thought. They will find any and every reason to pick a religious quarrel. Is this what we have reduced our religion to?

I’ll be honest and say that these past few days I have thought more about that actress than Syrians. Before you judge me for this, give me time to explain myself.

The more you learn religion, the more you see emphasis on two things: the afterlife and the fragility of this one. The people who buy this life in exchange of the next will have no share in the next life, as per Quran. The innocents who have met horrific death in Syria have hopes of Allah’s Mercy. Their revenge will be done by the Supreme and we do not doubt even for a second that they will be compensated with Allah’s Mercy and bounties for the troubles they see in this world.

As for that actress, what about her?

For someone who enjoyed luxuries and fame of the world, whose life and efforts revolved around this life, I wonder if it all really over for her. For someone who lived in shirk, what part does that person has in the next life?

There are different stories circulating; how she was into beautification treatments, physically abusing her body and consequently, her mind, going against nature and harmony.

For someone who led a sad life not knowing Allah, I wonder at the harrowing sadness of such a life. Who did she had to fall back on? What made her realize her worth without Allah in her life? Who was there to help her stand tall again? How lonely she was.

I worry more about her because she was probably someone for whom Allah has said that they will enjoy limited benefits of the dunia and that is that. It is sad to know that someone who was born with so much potential chose to lay waste her life just like that. The younger version of that same actress was someone so full of life and charm. She could move mountains with just her charming smile. But she chose to be none of that.

As humans, we all are born with great potential. It is a tragedy when someone does not realize his or her own worth. It is a greater tragedy when someone passes away not recognizing the real illah (Lord). There is no excuse for not knowing Allah because He makes sure you get ample chances to recognize Him.

May we all recognize Him in all His Greatness, and may we humble ourselves to Him like is His due. Ameen.

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